What is more important to you, affection or respect? Write an explanation of why you feel this way. What is your earliest memory of love? Of anger? Of fear? Of complete happiness? When is the most recent time you've felt these things, and under what circumstances? Imagine yourself on the beach in Hawaii - what emotion do you feel? At the Grand Canyon? On top of the Eiffel Tower? Where can you go to feel those feelings in your hometown? When was the last time someone paid you a sincere compliment? How did you feel? When was the last time you complimented someone? How did you feel? The Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy and his wife used to communicate by letter even while living together. Each day for a week, try writing a letter to someone you're emotionally involved with. The letters can be long or short - and you don't have to mail them! Write down five good things that have happened to you in the last twenty-four hours. Now write down five bad things - under what circumstances might they turn out to be good after all? As you were growing up, were there any favorite stories that were told in your family about you or other family members? Try to remember any such stories, and write them down. As you write, be aware of the emotions you're feeling and make them part of your account. Right now, just start writing as fast as you can and continue for ten minutes. When you read what you've written, what do you learn about yourself? What is the funniest thing you've ever seen? Sit quietly and remember it. Try to make yourself laugh out loud. Then write a description of your memory.